Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I once heard the definition of peace - the biblical sense of peace that is. I had typically thought of peace as "rest" or "quiet" or almost a nothingness. But when a friend shared this definition of peace with me it resounded in my soul! Peace (shalom) is things being as they were intended to be and having what we were intended to have. Almost a "Garden of Eden" mentality.

There are times in my life that I have felt that peace and one of them was last night.

As I fixed dinner last night, I could hear my sweet boys upstairs playing. When I snuck up there to see what was going on - Will and Miles were both in Will's crib. They were playing "Fishing Boat". Will had a remote control that he was using as a fishing pole. Miles would jump in and out of the boat, tell Will to "cast the line" and then he would hook a pretend line to the "fish" (usually Will's giant Nemo his Aunt Monkey and Uncle Jake gave him) and then Miles would say, "Reel it in, Will!" Miles would say, "Let's cast the sails" and Will would say, "Otay" and Miles would say, "Will, say 'aye aye cap't'" and Will would obey! They were so precious and so peaceful.

Jake was getting ready for his new job (he starts today) checking out his suits, ties, etc. He is dressing so sharp! Not that I didn't like the Carhartt's and t-shirts but he just looks so nice in his new suits.

Typically, the time between the boys waking up from naps and getting dinner on the table is the CRAZIEST time of the day(filled with whines for candy, fights, stress, etc). But this day was so peaceful - truly peaceful. Life as I think God intends it to be.

What a great description of peace - things as they out to be; as God intends them to be for us. It makes me want to strive for peace everyday! Maybe if I strive to be what I ought to be; what God intends me to be - then it will be a domino affect on my home and children.

Peace out

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