Monday, August 23, 2010

ABC Bible Verses: A, B, and C

Week 1: A - "All we like sheep have gone astray" Isaiah 53:6
This was a GREAT week! We went on the Saturday after the last day of school and raided Party City's cheap stuff! Little spiders, a plastic ant, crazy looking praying mantis, glow sticks, bouncy balls, and more useless junk that kids love! We hung the bag in the kitchen next to our list for the Bible verses. I had decided that we would learn the verse and talk about the meaning on Monday, do an activity on Tuesday and that if they could recite it by Thursday, they could pick something from the bag.

Miles had it memorized by the time breakfast was over Monday!

So ... Tuesday we got up, grabbed some toilet paper rolls, clothes pins (that we painted black), cotton balls and glue. We had a fun (messy) time, painting the clothes pins, glueing on cotton balls and making a face for our sheep. We talked about how all of us make mistakes - except Jesus - and that we all go astray.

Both boys had it completely memorized after that and got a prize from the bag.

Week 2: B - "Believe in Jesus and you will be saved" - Acts 6:31
This week was pretty simple - we just colored a picture of Jesus on Tuesday but we spent lots of time talking about how knowing Jesus is the only way that we can be close to God because of sin. Will is especially cute saying this verse!

Week 3: C - "Children obey your parents in everything" -  
So some of the verses had some real rubber-meets-the-road moments to them! I remember that I used this verse repeatedly this week! It was really a great tool since God is saying it. I knew that I had Him on my side when I wanted them to help clean up, get their shoes on or share with one another! Instead of a craft this week, we played "Simon Says". It was a good way to see that we can obey and lay our will aside (especially if it helped to win a game!)

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