Easter has come and gone and we had a great time this year. We made it a point to read the Children's Bible every day during the Easter season so that the Boys would capture the real meaning of Easter. In fact, The Bunny wasn't ever even mentioned and no one seemed to miss it at all!
We did talk a lot about Jesus riding a donkey into town. Miles thought that was very cool. He loved that the people put their coats down for the donkey to walk on and one day we made some "hosanna" palm branches here at the house and celebrated!
For cards, we sent family homemade cards (see photos). We made a little chick with Miles' hands, and when I decided to use Will's feet print, I wanted to do something to celebrate the season. We ended up making his footprint arch into the empty tomb! See how it turned out.
We had Jake's side of the family over on Saturday for an Egg Hunt and lunch and had a great time.
Today, is Friday so it's stay-in-your-jammies-until-late-day. Will got to sleep until almost 9:00 (I'm so jealous)! After we finally got dressed and had breakfast we loaded up the stroller and attached it to the bike and went to "King of the Hill". I met Mrs. Lois the other day (King of the Hill is on her property) and she re-introduced herself to me today. She is 90 years old and I had a great time talking to her while the boys played in the water.
Miles loves to get a walking stick and make it into a fishing pole, a sword (today he said, "we're soldiers - fighting for good") or even making them into "trains" as he has running commentary from Thomas movies. Will's favorite thing is to throw balls into the culvert on one side and we RUUUUUUN across the road to see them pop out on the other side.
Miles brought me a handful of rocks and said, "you be Goliath and I'll be David". Trying to be a good mom, I was thinking, "is he really going to try to throw those at my head and am I willing to let him" because I just LOVED that the Bible is becoming alive to him. Needless to say, before I could finish the thought process he had chucked them all into the creek.
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