I've decided that Miles is a cat and Will is a dog. Will is just as content as could be (until someone takes his bone). Miles, on the other hand is a little more quirky! He sleeps with Bubba and Big Old Dog (using BOD as a pillow). This morning he told me that he has to tuck Big Old Dog's arms under because if he doesn't they bother him. Then at naptime, he turned Big Old Dog around, over, and upside down until he was just perfect. Then Miles laid his head down and twisted and fidgeted and squirmed until at last he was perfectly settled. Then he said, "Soft me" ... just that simple. (Softing is that soft scratching that people like as they fall asleep).
Miles doesn't like fruit in his yogurt. He prefers things not too hot but not too cold. He wants "lots of water" added to his juice cup. He doesn't like sleeves (I'm hoping it's a seasonal thing). When he wears his Buzz Lightyear costume, he wants the pants legs "twisted" but not twisted too much. Even with all those preferences, he's still the cutest 3 year old in the world! He loves to "plus" (i.e. "Mommy, if you take one dog plus and two kittens, what does that plus" and "if I eat two bites of peas and three blueberries, what does that plus"?) and he always gets the math right!
Last week at nap time, Miles and I were reading a book and I asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up"? He thought for a minute and then grinned and said, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a Daddy like my Daddy". He's very aware of "big boy" vs "little boy" stuff right now and can't wait to be a full-fledged big boy!! At a playgroup last week, a boy called he and his friend "babies" and Miles was offended beyond description.
Will is really into training Jessie (by the way, our dog was 'Molly' for about a week and is now officially 'Jessie'). The problem is, he is still pretty nervous around her. But he'll grab a treat to give her and just shiver with fear, blinking his eyes as she dances all around waiting for it!
Will can say lots of words these days (about time, right): Buzz, Jessie, juice, paci, panda, cheese (for pictures and snacks), and especially Memomma ... Jake's mom, Judi (Mimi JuJu) tried all day when she kept them this past week, to get him to say, "Mimi JuJu" but of course he thought it was hilarious to refuse and only say, "Memomma". Last week when we went to visit Memomma after her knee surgery, I told Will to 'tell Memomma bye-bye' and he said, "Bye Me Bye Momma" and it was one of those moments when you children are so precious you think they really are an angel!
Will is a dancing machine! If a song comes on, he will be rocking out to it in no time ... it's pretty phenomenal. If I can figure out how to post a video you can see for yourself.
Finally, this summer, Miles has re-named us all. Miles is Buzz Lightyear (of course). Jake is Zurg. I am Woody. Will is Mr. Potato Head. The names come out around the time Jake gets home from work. Then it's "game on" and Miles is ready to wrestle Zurg. Jessie and Mr. Potato Head jump in but Mr. Potato head giggles so hard, he can't really do much damage right now. Woody just kicks back and watches.
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