Yesterday and last night we had terrible storms here in Alabama. They ripped through the south and made their way on up through Georgia and on into Virginia and beyond.
At 8:00 a.m. they let us know school was closed (no power). I was supposed to meet with a bride so I made plans to drop the boys off with Memomma. Kristin came over and we headed off through Bluff Park to Helena. But we never made it more than 5 miles. Trees were down everywhere because of the early morning storm that came through.
Kristin ended up spending the day with us since her power was out. We were on a different grid than the rest of our neighborhood so The Headleys have connected a set of extension cords from their house to ours to keep their freezer and fridge running.
Pray for the people in Tuscaloosa, Pleasant Grove and other parts of Alabama that were hit so hard.
We took a video as we drove home from running errands today.